New creative non-fiction in Griffith Review

It’s publication day for Griffith Review 84: Attachment Styles!
I have a satirical creative non-fiction piece in here about my serious attachment to my double stroller which I wheeled around Manhattan and Perth.
This is my second publication in Griffith Review - the first being my short story Lunch in the Dream House in Griffith Review 78: A Matter of Taste. I’ve admired and loved the journal for so many years and I’m so grateful to be included in its pages.
Reluctant farewell to a trusted companion – Emily Tsokos Purtill
Living in New York, Emily Tsokos Purtill bought a double stroller for her two children. It became a ticket to friendship, a social life and a way of negotiating the city – until, back in Australia, it came time to give it away

Griffith Review is always such an inspiring and eclectic mix of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, edited by Carody Culver. I am really loving this edition and I encourage everyone to subscribe in print or digital.
The amazing cover art is Astrophage 2021 by Juan Ford.
7 May 2024