Kaló Taxídi #6 - Paris Problems

Kaló Taxídi #6 - Paris Problems

The new edition of literary subscription Kaló Taxídi is out today!

For the book recommendations this month, my challenge was to suggest ten books on the 'Paris Problems' theme that do not include the word 'Paris' in the title - (there is only one 'Parisian' for a very special book). I've included some of my favourite French authors in this list, and hopefully there's something new for you to discover, or think about revisiting an old favourite.

This edition includes:

  • Café gourmand - this month's fiction;
  • Paris Problems #1-#10 in ten book recommendations;
  • A spotlight on Paris Problem #11 - Paris syndrome; and
  • Paris Problem #12 - Paris is not New York, and vice versa.

Sign up here for a free trial to read this issue:

1 February 2024
