Griffith Review Emerging Voices Competition 2024 Winner

I'm absolutely delighted to share that I'm one of five winners of the Griffith Review Emerging Voices Competition 2024 for my essay 'Know Thyself' interweaving genetics, fate and Greek mythology.
Thank you so much to Carody Culver and the Griffith Review team and the judges - Maxine Beneba Clarke, Harriet McInerney and Jane Novak - for choosing my essay.
My piece will be published in Griffith Review in 2025 and I receive a share of the prize money generously donated by the Copyright Agency.
It's such an honour for my writing to be recognised in this way. Thank you so much!
And congratulations to the other winning writers - I look forward to reading your stories.
More information on the prize can be found here:
Griffith Review Emerging Voices competition
Griffith Review’s annual Emerging Voices competition calls for original submissions of fiction and creative non-fiction from 3,500 to 5,000 words. Entrants can write to any theme – but we seek to find new ideas, fresh voices and bold perspectives. We look for work that commands our attention.

22 July 2024